

A myxocrine gland. Its endocrine part is represented by Islets of Langerhans which have two type of cells the a (alpha) cells, and b (beta) cells.

Location: In the duodenal loop.

(a) Beta cells

Hormone: Insulin (an anabolic hormone)

(i) Conversion of glucose to glycogen in liver and muscles.
(ii) Promotes protein synthesis in tissues.
(iii) Promotes synthesis of fats from fatty acids
(iv) Inhibits breakdown of proteins and fats.

Diabetes mellitus indicated by the rise of glucose level in blood, and
higher level of cholesterol, excretion of sugar by the kidneys in urine; excessive
thirst; delayed wound healing of proteins in tissues, and gangrene.

(b) Alpha cells

Hormone: Glucagon

(i) Converts glycogen to blood glucose in liver

(ii) Formation of glucose from amino acids.

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