

(Composed of neurosecretory cells of the floor of diencephalons secrete neurohormones).

Location: Floor of diencephalons of brain; connected to the anterior lobe of pituitary byhypophyseal blood vessel, and with posterior lobe of pituitary through the axons of its neurons.Some hormones are poured into adenohypophysis (anterior, and intermediate pituitary), through hypophysial portal system while two hormones (oxytocin and ADH) are directly taken by nerve cells in neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary). Hormones poured in adenohypophysis function as releasing or inhibiting hormones. 

They are peptide in nature.


(i) Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (T-RH): Release of TSH from anterior pituitary.

(ii) Adrenocorticotropin- Releasing Hormone (A-RH): Release of ACTH from anterior pituitary.

(iii) Somatotropin Releasing hormone (S-RH): Release of SH from anterior pituitary.

(iv) Gonadotropin- Releasing hormone (G-RH): Release of goandotropins from the
anterior pituitary.

(v) Growth inhibiting hormone (GIH) or somatostatin: Inhibits the hormone from


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